Mancozeb + Dimethomorph 69/70 WP
Fungicidal combination with a systematic and contact action, used to control early blight and late blight, tuber blight in potato and tomato, blue mold in tobacco and wide spectrum of fungal diseases in various ornamental crops.
Composition: Mancozeb 60 % + Dimethomorph 9/10 %
Chemical group
Mancozeb – Dithiocarbamate
Dimethomorph - Morpholine
Type of formulation
Wettable powder (WP)
Mancozeb + Dimethomorph 69/70 WP is a combination with systematic and contact fungicidal action, used to control early blight and late blight, tuber blight in potato and tomato, blue mold in tobacco and wide spectrum of fungal diseases in various ornamental crops.
Mancozeb is highly effective at stopping spore germination (which occurs on the leaf surface) through multiple modes of action. To be effective mancozeb must contaminate the drop of water being used by the spore during its germination. Once germination and infection of the leaf has occurred, mancozeb has no effect on the fungus. Dimethomorph is a local and trans- laminar systemic. That is, it enters the leaf cells and moves toward the leaf tip and the bottom side of the leaf, but not to the base of the leaf or lower leaves on the plant. Dimethomorph has a single mode of action - it acts by disrupting fungal cell wall development, resulting in death of the fungal cells at all stages in development - germination, penetration, colonization, sporulation. Therefore, it has significant effect on and inside the leaf.
- Potato and Tomato:
Diseases Controlled Alternaria solani - early blight
Phytophthora infestans - late blight, tuber blight
Application Rate: 2.5 kg/ha
Water volume will vary depending on the amount of plant growth. Use sufficient water to obtain adequate spray coverage. Spray volumes of at least 200 L/ha are recommended.
Use a maximum of five applications per season.
Timing of Application
Make the first application when disease threatens or when first visible signs of disease occur within the field or nearby. Apply every 5 to 7 days under high disease pressure or every 7 to 10 days under low disease pressure. It is recommended to apply the product in alternation with a fungicide having a different mode of action.
DO NOT apply the product within 14 days of harvest.
DO NOT plant a new crop in the treated area within 120 days of the last application.
- Tobacco:
Diseases Controlled
Peronospora tabacina - blue mold
Application Rate : 2.5 kg/ha
Water volume will vary depending on the amount of plant growth. Apply 110 L of mixture per hectare for recently transplanted tobacco; apply up to 500 L mixture per hectare for full-sized tobacco.
Use a maximum of 7.5 kg product per hectare per growing season.
Timing of Application
Begin applications when disease threatens and before the onset of infection; apply every 5 to 7 days under high disease pressure or every 7 to 10 days under low disease pressure.
Pre-harvest interval: 21 days
DO NOT plant a new crop in the treated area within 120 days of the last application.
- Outdoor-grown and greenhouse grown ornamentals:
Disease control:
1 - Downy Mildew diseases caused by:
Bremia, Pseudoperonospora, Peronospora, Plasmopara.
2 - Leaf Spots/Foliar Blights:
Actinopelte leaf spot, Alternaria leaf spot/blight, Anthracnose, Ascochyta blight, Black leaf spot, Botrytis blight, Cercospora leaf spot/blight/frog eye, Curvularia leaf spot, Cylindrosporium leaf spot, Dactylaria leaf spot, Didymellina leaf spot, Elsinoe leaf spot, Entomosporium leaf spot, Frabraea leaf spot, Frogeye leaf spot, Fusarium leaf spot, Gloesporium leaf spot, Guignardia leaf spot, Herpobasidium blight, Leptosphaeria brown spot, Mystrosporium ink spot, Phompsis blight, Phyllosticta leaf spot, Phytophthora leaf spot, Purple spot, Ramularia leaf spot, Scirrhia brown spot, Septoria leaf spot, Smoulder, Sphaeropsis leaf spot.
3 - Flower Spots/Blights:
Botrytis petal spot, Botrytis blossom blight, Petal blight.
4 - Stem and Crown Rots*:
Cylindrocladium root rot, Aerial Phytophthora crown rot and stem blight
* For suppression of aerial Phytophora and control of certain crown and root rots listed below, apply a directed spray (sprench) to stem and crown of plants prior to visible disease symptoms and continue preventative applications on a 5-7 day spray interval.
5 - Scab diseases caused by:
Cladosporium, Fusicladium, Sphaceloma, Venturia.
6 - Rust diseases caused by:
Cronartium, Endocronatium, Gymnosporangium, Melampsora, Melampsoridium, Phragmidium, Pucciniastrum, hydragngea, Puccinia, Uromyces.
7 - Taphrina Leaf Blister.
8 - Needle Cast of Conifers caused by:
Cyclaneusma, Hypoderma, Ismiella, Lophodermium, Naemacyclus, Pestalotia, Rhabdoclime, Rhizosphaera, Scirrhia, Sphaeropsis
9 - Monochaetia canker
Dose rate:
For use on ornamentals grown in greenhouses, lath and shade houses, and those grown in the field or containers, apply the equivalent of 2.5 kg/ha
Spray Interval:
Begin spraying when plants are well established or at first sign of disease, in a full coverage spray at 7-10 day intervals throughout the production cycle. Disease pressure and environmental conditions determine spray intervals. Applications should begin prior to the onset of disease infection.
Maximum applications per season – 5
Ornamentals recommended for treatment (with the relevant number of diseases)
Flowering Annual and Perennial Plants and Bulbs:
African violet, Ageratum, Alyssum, Anemone, Artemisia, Aster, perennial, Azalea, Begonia, Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia), Bleedingheart, Bluebells (Campanula), Butterfly flower, Carnation, Centaurea, Christmas and Thanksgiving cactus, Chrysanthemum, Cineraria, Columbine, Coral bells, Coreopsis, Cyclamen, Dahlia, Delphinium, Dianthus, Dusty miller, Fuchsia, Gardenia, Geranium, Gerbera daisy, Geum, Gladiolus, Gloxinia, Hydrangea, Impatiens, Iris, Jerusalem cherry, Kalanchoe, Lily, Lisianthus, Lupine (Lupinus), Marigold, Miniature Rose, Monkey flower (Mimulus sp.), Narcissus, Orchid, Pepper, ornamental, Pansy, Petunia, Phlox, Poinsettia, Polyanthus, Potentilla, Primrose, Ranunculus, Rose (cut or potted), Scabiosa, Snapdragon, Statice (Limonium), Stock, Sunflower, Tulip, Verbena, Veronica (Speedwell), Viola, Vinca(Periwinkle), Zinnia.
Foliage Plants:
Alaria, Aloe vera, Anthurium, Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema spp.), Christmas and Thanksgiving cactus, Cordyline (Ti plant), Croton, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, English ivy, Fern, Ficus, Grape ivy, Kangaroo vine (Cissus spp.), Hibiscus, Hosta , Lady palm, Lipstick vine, Myrtle, Orchid, Peperomia, Philodendron, Pilea, Rattlesnake plant (Calanthea spp.), Schefflera, Spathiphyllum, Syngonium, Taliflower (Anthurium spp.), Wax plant (Hoya spp.), Venus flytrap, Yucca, Zebra plant (Aphelandra).
Woody Ornamentals (Shrubs and Trees):
Arborvitae, Ash, Aspen, Azalea, Birch, Bottlebrush, Buffaloberry, Camellia, Cedar, Conifers, Crabapple (ornamental), Cypress, Dogwood, flowering, Elm, Eucalyptus, Fatsia, Filbert, Fir, Firethorn (Pyracantha), Gardenia, Gold dust tree (Aucuba japonica), Hawthorn, Hebe, Hickory, Holly, Hollyhock, Honeysuckle, Horsechestnut, Buckeye, Indian rubber tree, Juniper, Laurel, mountain, Lavender, Ligustrum, Lilac, Linden, Locust, Magnolia, Mahogany, Maple, Oak, Oleander, Osage orange, Palms, Peony, Photinia, Pine, Pleomele, Poplar, Redbud, Redwood, Rhododendron, Sequoia, Skunkbush, Sumac (Viburnum), Sweet Gum, Tulip tree), Walnut.
The processing and packaging equipment must be free of organic contaminants. Unmonitored contact with organic contaminants, moisture or temperatures greater than 40°C may increase the tendency for decomposition and subsequent generation of noxious fumes. Before preparing the relevant mixture – a preliminary consulting with a specialist is recommended.