Propamocarb hydrochloride 722 g/l SL is systemic fungicide with protective action, used to control soil born and leaf diseases in vegetables and ornamental plants. The product is high effective when applied as soil disinfectant and foliar spray. Absorbed by the roots, and transported acropettaly.
722 g/l Propamocarb hydrochloride = 607 g/l Propamocarb
Chemical group: Carbamate
Type of formulation: Soluble Liquid (SL)
Mode of Action – Propamocarb hydrochloride 722 g/l SL is systemic fungicide with protective action, used to control soil born and leaf diseases in vegetables and ornamental plants. The product is high effective when applied as soil disinfectant and foliar spray. The product is absorbed by the roots, and transported acropettaly to the stems and leaves.
SAFETY PERIOD (Pre-harvest interval)
21 days for green salad; 14 days for onion and paprika and tobacco; 10 days for tomato; 3 days for cucumber
The product is incompatible with alkaline materials.
Crop | Disease | Dosage |
As soil/substrat disinfection - before sowing of the vegetables, tobacco and ornamental plants seeds. | As soil steriliant against fungi of class Oomycetes, genera Pythium and Phytophthora | Dilute 300 ml product in 10 l water for 1 cubic meter substrat/soil prior sowing/planting,As soil drenching: dilute 10 ml products in 3 to 5 l water for 1 square meter. Apply after sowing/transplanting. Repeat the treatment in 1 week interval up to 3 times. |
Onion | Mildew: Peronospora destructor | 3 l/ha by spraying |
Cucumber | Mildew: Pseudoperonospora cubensis | 3 l/ha by spraying |
Tomato and Potato | Mildew: Phythophthora infestans | 3 l/ha by spraying |
Green salad | Mildew: Bremia lactucae | 0,15% by spraying |
Pepper | Mildew:Phythophthora capsici | 3 l/ha by spraying |