Public health

  • Bendiocarb 80% WP

    Non-repellent and broad spectrum product for control of Ants, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Carpet beetle, Spiders, Fleas, Wasps, Flies, Portuguese millipedes, Seed harvesting ants, African black beetle in food processing factories, restaurants, laundries, food stores, ships, hospitals, kitchens, boiler houses, private dwellings, canteens, hotel-motels, in and around farm buildings. Abattoirs, garbage containers and dumps, manure heaps, or other places where flies rest or breed, wasp nests, pasture seed treatment, turf: Golf greens and fairways, bowling greens and playing fields.

  • Imidacloprid 2.15% gel bait

    Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action containing imidacloprid,in the form of white coloured gel formulation – clean looking and inconspicuous in use for control of cockroaches. It does not contain any fat enabling it to be non-staining and leaves no visible deposits.