Mancozeb + Cymoxanil + Copper oxychloride 450 g/kg WP

Mancozeb + Cymoxanil + Copper oxychloride 450 g/kg WP

Combined fungicide with contact, protective and curative systemic action for control of many fungal diseases in Grapes, Cucurbitaceae crops, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, coffee, cocoa and many other agricultural crops.

Combined fungicide with contact, protective and curative systemic action for control of many fungal diseases in Grapes, Cucurbitaceae crops, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, coffee, cocoa and many other agricultural crops.


4 % Cymoxanil + 12 % Mancozeb + 29 % Copper oxychloride
Chemical group
Cymoxanil - Cyanoacetamide oxime
Mancozeb – Dithiocarbamate
Copper oxychloride – Organic
Type of formulation: Wettable Powder (WP)
Mode of Action - Combined fungicide with a contact, protective and curative systemic action. The combination of these active ingredients is used to control many fungal diseases in Grapes, Cucurbitaceae crops, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, coffee, cocoa and many other agricultural crops.
Treatment should begin when there are favorable conditions for development of the diseases and have to continue in 10 -14 days intervals. Maximum applications per season – 5-6.Use the shorter interval and the higher dose when the weather conditions are favorable for the disease development, and when the infection is aggressive.
After the treatment Mancozeb and copper are deposited on the surface of the leaves and prevent them from penetrating to the infection. Cymoxanil penetrates in the leaves and quickly destroyed the already emerging pathogens. In this way consequently the product stops development of the mycelium and the effect of fungal pathogens, and provides further normal development of the crops. The curative effect is best when the treatment is conducted in the first half of the incubation period (until the third day of infection).

Crop Pest Application
Rice Yellow leaf disease Gonatophragmium sp 2.5 – 3.0 kg/ha
Rubber Yellow leaf disease
Lytchee Mildew - Peronophythora lichi
Anthracnose - Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Potato Mildew - Phytophthora infestans
Early blight - Alternaria solani
Tomato Mildew - Phytophthora infestans
Early blight - Alternaria solani
Watermelon Anthracnose - Colletotrichum lagenarium
Mildew - Pseudoperonospora cubensis
Citrus fruits Citrus scab - Elsinoë fawcettii
Citrus cancer - Xanthomonas axonopodis
Bacterial cancer - Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri
Coffee Anthracnose - Colletotrichum cofeanum
Pink disease in coffee - Corticium salmonicolor
Coffee rust - Hemileia vastatrix
Mango Anthracnose 
Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes
Grapes Mildew Plasmopora viticola
Ornamental bushes Against Peronospora diseases and rusts

PHI (days):
Rice - 28, Citrus fruits - 15, Grape – 15, Lytchee - 15, Tomato - 3, Potato - 15, , Watermelon - 10, Coffee - 15, Mango - 15, Ornamental bushes – N/A
Optimum Spray volume – 600 – 800 l/ha